Everything You Need to Know About Kybella® Fat Reduction

Are you self-conscious about your side profile? Struggling with a double chin or pockets of fat in the back and arms, despite following a healthy diet and exercise regimen? While it’s easy to assume your double chin is there to stay, it doesn’t have to be the case.

Enter KYBELLA®. Kybella breaks down fat cells for a contoured look that lasts - no surgery required.

Not only is it the only FDA-approved treatment proven to safely and effectively destroy fat cells under the chin, but it’s also great for targeting small pockets of fat in the body.

How Does KYBELLA Help with Fat Reduction?

During a Kybella treatment, deoxycholic acid is injected into the skin - a naturally occurring molecule in the body that aids in the breakdown and absorption of dietary fat. When injected beneath the skin, it works to break fat down into smaller particles that are then processed and eliminated from the body.

“This incredible bile salt effectively eliminates fat cells and elegantly sculpts specific areas,” says expert injector Samsara Sterling at SkinSpirit Oakland.

The process consists of a series of small injections, lasting about 15 to 20 minutes. The exact number of injections needed will vary depending on your desired outcome and how much fat you have in the treatment area. It is typically not considered painful, but patients may experience mild discomfort. A topical numbing cream is applied before the procedure to help with this.

Following treatment, some swelling may occur, which can last about a week. To help manage this in the chin area, we will provide you with a chin strap and encourage you to wear it for 3-5 days whenever possible.

Treating Beyond the Chin

Commonly known for treating under the chin and jawline, Kybella is also ideal for treating small areas of stubborn fat almost anywhere in the body - like the arms, hips, back, and stomach.

Whatever your desired outcome, Kybella is customizable to meet your goals, with minimal downtime.

Let’s Talk Results

kybella before and after chin treatment

Multiple treatments may be needed to achieve the best results - typically between two and four Kybella sessions spaced several weeks apart. Your provider will tailor your treatment plan to you. Over time, the targeted fat will gradually break down and shrink, leaving behind an attractive, contoured profile.

Once the cells are gone, they can no longer store or accumulate fat. As long as a healthy weight is maintained, your results are permanent. There is no need for ongoing maintenance treatments, according to Samsara.

Now those are results we can get behind.

Say goodbye to submental fat with kybella

For Samsara, Kybella is an absolute favorite. Experience the difference for yourself. Schedule a free consultation at a SkinSpirit near you for a Kybella treatment plan tailored to you.

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