Anti-Aging Skin Care Tips For Mature Skin

Clear, vibrant skin is a sign of optimum health and vitality. As skin matures, it loses collagen, which is responsible for the elasticity and suppleness of your skin. As a result, much more care and diligence is needed to stave off wrinkles and fine lines, which are the signature signs of aging skin. A balanced regimen of cleansing, toning, exfoliating and moisturizing, as well as periodic visits to your skin care specialist will prolong elasticity and help you maintain a youthful appearance.

The first step in anti-aging skin care is proper cleansing using medical grade skin care products. Dirt, dust and everyday makeup can clog pores and wreak havoc on aging skin if not effectively cleansed. Consult your aesthetician to find a cleanser that is made expressly for your skin type. A cream cleanser generally works best for dry skin and a gel cleanser for oily skin. It is essential to wash skin in water that is of moderate temperature due to the fact that extremely hot or cold water can cause broken capillaries, which exasperates the signs of aging.

A good moisturizer should be a top priority for an anti-aging skin care routine. Aging skin needs help in producing collagen in the skin. Again, your aesthetician can help you find the right one for your skin type.

Products that contain alpha hydroxy acids and retinoids help to reduce wrinkles, fine lines and give skin a more youthful appearance.

Older skin should be exfoliated on a daily basis. Skin looks more youthful and smoother after exfoliation. This can be done by your aesthetician with microdermabrasion and chemical peels as well as at home with medical grade skin care products in between appointments as maintenance. There are a variety of treatments, including IPL and laser resurfacing when you want to take skin-repair to the next level.

The most essential ingredient for all anti-aging skin care is consistency and staying committed to a routine. To learn more or make an appointment contact any one of our Bay Area or Washington locations, click here or give us a call at (855) 383-7546.


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