What Is Endermologie?

Cellulite is the dimpling and uneven appearance on skin. It's sometimes described as the “orange peel effect” because it looks similar to an orange peel. Many women suffer from cellulite on parts of their body, mainly on the hips and thighs. It can show up on other parts of the body as well including the arms, buttocks and abdomen.

Cellulite is caused by fat cells beneath the skin, which trap toxins and retain water. There isn’t a treatment out there that can get rid of cellulite forever, but there are ways to soften and improve problem areas.

Endermologie for Cellulite

Endermologie is the first cellulite treatment to be approved by the FDA. This non-invasive technique uses physical stimulation (a mechanical massage) to firm up the skin and increase circulation, resulting in the temporary reduction of cellulite. Endermologie can also help relieve minor muscular aches and improve skin tone and radiance.

How does an Endermologie treatment work?

A massaging device consisting of vacuums and rollers is used to manipulate the tissue beneath the skin, causing the skin to stretch slightly while gently rolling over it. The mechanical massage helps produce collagen, stimulates the lymphatic system and breaks up fat deposits in areas that develop pockets of fat, like saddlebags and love handles and is flushed out of the body with the help of the improved circulation. An endermologie treatment can also be used to diminish swelling and even out skin texture.

During an endermologie treatment, clients wear a specialized body stocking while the practitioner uses the hand-held massaging device on the treated areas. A single treatment can take anywhere from 30 to 60 minutes, depending on the area(s) being treated. Most clients will need to have one to two treatments a week. After treatment, clients can go back to their normal activities immediately. With endermologie, there’s no downtime and treatments are painless. The level of massage during treatment can be adjusted if the client experiences any sort of discomfort.

To maintain results, practitioners generally recommend a minimum of six to 10 treatments for noticeable, dramatic results. The results from these sessions will usually last a few months. To maintain results, one endermologie treatment is recommended every month after the initial series of treatments. The actual number of treatments and any further maintenance sessions will be based on the client’s desired outcome and discussed during the complimentary consultation, before treatment begins.

Want to learn more about Endermologie and determine if you’re a good candidate for treatment?

We recommend coming in for a complimentary consultation with one of our experts. Click here to schedule your complimentary consultation at one of our locations: Palo Alto, Walnut Creek and Mill Valley. * Endermologie is only available as these three SkinSpirit locations at this time.


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