BRUISING with QWO is part of the mechanism of action. It can be severe in color and
potentially discolor the treatment area for as long as a few months.

To minimize the severity of bruising please remember 1 week prior to your appointment to stop
the following:

  • Supplements such as Omega 3s (fish oil, flax seeds)
  • Vitamin E
  • Aspirin
  • Ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin)
  • Naproxen (Aleve)

Tylenol is okay.

No alcohol 24 hours before and after treatment.

Day of appointment:

  • BRING COMPRESSION SHORTS TO THE APPOINTMENT! Failure to do so will increase
    the bruising severity.
  • Wear loose fitting garments to the appointment. You will have to completely expose the
    treatment area.
  • The area of injection will be marked with a skin marking pen and may still faintly be
    present after treatment. This will come completely off in a shower.
  • You may be tender in the areas of injection after the numbing medicine wears off.
  • Cold compresses will help decrease any swelling and decrease the possibility of bruising
    (if needed).