Why Is It Important to See A Professional for A Chemical Peel?

When it comes to chemical peels, you’re best to leave this type of skin care to the professionals. Seeing a licensed professional for a chemical peel helps ensure fast and effective results without injuring or damaging your skin. At SkinSpirit, we recommend our clients first schedule a complimentary consultation with one of our licensed aestheticians to determine the best skin care treatment plan as well as if a chemical peel is the best course of treatment.

Benefits of a Professional Peel

Before taking matters into your own hands with an at-home chemical peel, consider the benefits to visiting a professional for a chemical peel.

Depth Of The Peel

An at-home chemical peel will have a lesser-strength concentration of ingredients when compared to professional peels. At-home peels aren’t as strong and don’t work as quickly as a chemical peel you’d receive from a licensed professional. The biggest benefit to having a professional peel is the depth of the actual peel you can receive during treatment. Professional peels are able to offer a stronger concentrated peel safely, providing better skin care results in a short amount of time.

Under The Constant Supervision of a Licensed Professional

With a professional peel, you’re under the constant care of a trained and experienced licensed aesthetician. Before treatment, the aesthetician will take a close look at your skin and determine if you’re a good candidate for a chemical peel, as well as which peel will yield the best results.

Chemical peels are not a one-size-fits-all type of treatment. Each peel used during treatment is decided for the client based off of what would be best for their skin type, current skin condition and desired results.

During treatment, the aesthetician will constantly monitor your skin, observing how the skin interacts with the peel once applied.

After treatment and during the peeling stage, the aesthetician is available for any questions or concerns you may have about your skin. Having access to a licensed professional before, during and after treatment to answer questions about your skin and treatment received is one of the greatest benefits to receiving a professional peel. At-home peels don’t offer that type of caring and educating service.


A professional peel is performed in a controlled setting under the careful guidance of a trained, licensed aesthetician. The acids and active ingredients in a chemical peel can injure and damage skin when used incorrectly.

Learn If You're a Candidate

Want to see if you’re a candidate for a chemical peel? We recommend coming in for an initial consultation with one of our experts. Click here to schedule your complimentary consultation at any of our locations in the Bay area, Orange County, Austin, TX, or the Seattle area.

Feel free to also give us a call at 855.383.7546 or send us an email at: info@skinspirit.com for more information.

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Disclaimer: Information and content within this blog is provided for informational purposes only.  This blog is not intended to provide medical advice, and anything read here should not be construed as such.  Reading this blog or communicating with our staff does not create a physician-patient relationship.  If you have questions about any health issue, including something you may have read here, please consult a licensed, trained physician or health professional immediately.

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